Supporting CALD Australians to be empowered energy consumers

Financial Year: 2019/20

Research into helping CALD energy consumers better understand what they are paying for and how they can save on their energy usage.

Grant DetailsGrant Content
Applicant:Queensland University of Technology (previous recipient University of Sydney)
Grant Amount:$102,714
Approval Status:Yes
Financial Year:2019/20
Grant Type:Research
Energy Type:Joint Energy
Consumer Class:Low Income, Residential, Rural
Related ResourcesDownload/Link
AP 1061 - Report on discourse analysis for CALD energy consumers
AP 1061 - USYD - All transcripts, Deidentified
AP 1061 - Supporting CALD Australians to be empowered energy consumers - final report August 2023


  • Professor Ross Gordon, Dr Foluké Badejo, Dr Theresa Harada – Queensland University of Technology
  • Associate Professor Tom van Laer, Morgan Smith – University of Sydney

This project was funded byEnergy Consumers Australiaas part of its Grants Program to support consumer advocacy and research projects that benefit of household and small business consumers.

The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Energy Consumers Australia

AP 1061 - Toolkit of Recommendations - Supporting CALD Australians to empowered energy consumers - June 2023


  • Professor Ross Gordon
  • Dr Foluké Badejo
  • Dr Theresa Harada

Queensland University of Technology